Public Meeting Notice for State Project: Colchester-Essex Rt. 15 Shared-Use Path
Thursday, February 26, 2015, 7:00pm
Saint Michael's College, Pomerleau Alumni Center
Observatory Lane, Colchester, VT 05446
The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and Stantec Consulting are sponsoring a Public Informational Meeting to inform the public about the above shared-use path project from Lime Kiln Road in Colchester to Susie Wilson Road in Essex. Owners of property in the vicinity of the project and all interested individuals are encouraged to attend and provide comments and input. This presentation will cover the design details of the preferred alternative that was developed during the Scoping process, project status update, and design and construction schedule for the infrastructure improvements.
The need for this shared-use path was identified through the Scoping process as enhancing the transportation corridor as an inviting corridor that encourages increased mobility, safety and access for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users of various ages and abilities.
If you are unable to attend and have comments/questions, please contact Thad Luther, Stantec Consulting, 55 Green Mountain Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403 or or 802-864-0223.
We look forward to hearing from you!