Jericho Town Hall: Public Hearing

Past event
Mar 12, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

The Jericho Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 7:00 PM at the Jericho Town Hall to consider the following:

 A request to the DRB by 41 WTC, LLC and David and Brenda Villeneuve for a boundary line adjustment, a conditional use review, an amendment to a previous DRB approval, a final site plan review and a final subdivision review. The proposed project would re-purpose an existing garage for use as a 17,600sf grocery store. The parcel is located at 364 Vermont Route 15, in the Village Center zoning district.

All interested persons may appear and be heard. Your participation in this proceeding is a pre-requisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. If desired, your written comments and concerns can be forwarded to the Jericho Planning and Zoning Office before the listed hearing dates.

Additional information related to this application may be viewed at the Jericho Planning and Zoning Office during regular business hours.

Michelle Patrick
Zoning Administrator and Planning Assistant

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