Jericho Town Library Seed Launch!

Past event
Feb 16, 2015

Schedule of Events

Mon Feb 16, 6:30pm: "The Wild Garden" presented by Kelly King. Join Seed Saver Kelly King for a presentation and discussion on the self sustaining "Food Forest Garden" and the importance of Wild Seed. Kelly King is the Market Manager for the Jericho Farmers Market and has her own business "Wild Kelly's Wild Edibles".

Wed Feb 18, 3-3:40pm: "Seed Starting with Kids" with Christa Alexander of Jericho Settlers Farm. Here's a chance to play in the dirt! Come start some early seeds and learn how to tend them. A farm fresh snack will be served.

Wed Feb 18, 6pm-7pm: "Seed Starting & Transplanting for All Gardeners" with Christa Alexander of Jericho Settlers Farm. Learn all about seeding techniques, germination success, basic seedling care, and direct seeding vs. transplanting for the home veggie garden!

Fri Feb 20, 6:30-8pm: "Garden Talk" with VPR's Garden Commentator Charlie Nardozzi at the Jericho Community Center. Learn about Seed Saving, how to plan your garden, and ask your garden questions. Charlie Nardozzi is a nationally recognized garden writer, radio and TV show host, consultant, and speaker. The Library Trustees will hold a bake sale and garden book sale at the event. Charlie is a guest on VPR's Vermont Edition during the growing season. He also offers garden tips on local television and is a frequent guest on national programs.

Sat February 21, 10:30am-Noon: Seed Savers Swap & Social! Calling all Seed Savers! Bring your seeds and trade with others in a Social Seed Swap! Tea and Treats will be served.

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