All Souls Interfaith Gathering (ASIG) is participating in an event inspired by Vermont Interfaith Power and Light (VIPL). The purpose of the VIPL is to educate faith communities and individuals about the threat that global warming presents to Creation and Earth. This will occur on Valentine's Weekend with the Homily focusing on "Loving the Earth." There will be an opportunity to send "Valentine Postcards" to our Senators encouraging them to support the EPA Carbon Pollution Standards for New and Existing Power Plants. Also, in the lobby, following the service, there will be a mini-resource fair including demonstrations on the newest LED lighting, composting, and education on affordable ways for Vermonters to go solar by Sun Common. The Evensong Service is from 5-6 PM on Sunday, February 15th at ASIG which is located on 291 Bostwick Farm Rd (just off Bostwick Rd) in Shelburne. Email for further questions.
Lell Forehand
Mar 6, 2025
Downtown Design Review CommissionMar 6, 2025, 6 PM
Vermont Flower Show Brings Spring to The ExpoMar 7 to 9, 2025