Water Treatment Meeting - Monday, February 2nd at 7 P.M
The Hinesburg Selectboard will hold a public meeting on Monday, February 2nd, at 7 p.m. in the Main Hall of the Hinesburg Town Hall. The meeting will include a presentation on nanofiltration, proposed to the Selectboard as the preferred water treatment option. The nanofiltration system under consideration, manufactured in St. George, uses filters with very small pores to treat water. Nanofiltration is not the same as nanotechnology.
More information will be available on the Town's website soon (www.hinesburg.org), or can be obtained by calling the Town Administrator's office (482-2281, ext. 221), the Buildings and Facilities Department (482-2281, ext. 229), or the Water/Wastewater Department (482-6097). To learn more about what nanofiltration is and how it works, please consider attending Monday night's meeting or watching the broadcast on VCAM.
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