The Essex Junction City Council will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 12th, at 6:30 p.m. This hybrid meeting will be held remotely using the ZOOM meetings platform and in-person in the Community Room at the Essex Police Department.
The City Council will discuss the following business items:
a. FY24 Audit Presentation, Bill Keyser
b. Discussion and Consideration of the Brownell Trustees and City Council Memorandum of Understanding
c. Discussion and Consideration of a 3 MW Solar Array at Global Foundries on Essex Lot C
d. Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 21 to Establish a Stormwater Utility and Warn a Public Hearing
e. Discussion and Consideration of the General Rules and Personnel Regulation Amendments
f. Discussion and Consideration of Renewal of the City Manager Contract
g. *Discussion and Consideration of an Executive Session to Discuss Attorney Client Communication and Possible Litigation
Mar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 3 PM
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