Free Online Restorative Yoga for Late Winter

Mar 16, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM

Restorative yoga sort of sounds like napping, but it delivers riches other than sleep. We'll start this online workshop by exploring what the practice is all about, including props, environment, breathwork, etc., then we'll move through some restorative yoga poses designed to release physical tension, settle our minds, and more. You'll discover a variety of tips for shifting into relaxation when you're restless and learn fulfilling ways to weave this practice into your daily life.

Learn how best to set up your home space for a beneficial restorative yoga session, whether time is short, you have a busy household, or some other challenge is keeping you from practicing regularly. We will use everyday household items to support our practice, making it even easier to enjoy the last few weeks of indoor time before spring returns.

Registration is required for this session, hosted by Bethel University via Zoom. Follow the link to sign up.

This workshop will be guided by Jo Bregnard, a breast cancer survivor and family caregiver who saw for herself the nurturing benefits of slowing down and tuning in to the present moment. Over the last decade Jo has earned certifications in yoga, tai chi, acupressure, and more. She now enjoys leading group and private movement and mindfulness sessions in-person in Springfield and online through her virtual studio.

Participants will need: pillows, blankets, yoga blocks or something similar, as well as any other tool or prop they might want to use for this relaxation practice (eye pillow/mask, etc.).

Bethel University Vermont (BU) is a free community pop-up university based in Bethel, Vermont, created by the Bethel Revitalization Initiative. BU offers free classes and meet-ups by the community, for the community, during the month of March each year. Learn more about Bethel University and check out more free class and event listings at

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