Good Shepherd's Spring Fling Concert helps KIDS
Saturday, March 8, 2025
7 PM
With Rev. Arnold Isidore Thomas, Local Bard of Song
Welcome the coming of spring! Rev. Arnold Isidore Thomas, our regional bard of song, will lead us on another great Musical Adventure. Green Mountain Celts (Joanne & Terry Ranney, Mike Reynolds, Rev. Arnold Isidore Thomas) will also be joined by John Guay, Vonnie Estes & Nancy Bakemeier (Tenpenny Bit) and Iain MacHarg (Piper). Come, tap your toes and enjoy another entertaining evening of music for all ages.
This year we have chosen to use this event to raise much needed funds for Ecolé Vocational Jean Despagne Félix Elementry School in Haiti.
Haitians are suffering a very difficult time in their history. As of now, there is no gasoline, diesel or propane and it's getting worse. Shops are running out of food and supplies and people are staying home for safety as protests and armed gangs become more prevalent and unpredictable. It is heartbreaking. We know that educating future generations is the hope for Haiti to recover from this dark time, to become a free and vibrant country.
Ecolé Vocational Jean Despagne Félix Elementry School is located in the southern mountains of Haiti and though they are relatively safe from the current violence they are negatively affected by the inability to raise the necessary funds to pay teachers and purchase much needed supplies.
Here are the basic facts:
This school enrolls 370 students in grades one through nine and employs 18 teachers.
It costs $300 to support one student for a year.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Jericho, Vermont is committed to helping to keep this school open and available. We have currently scheduled 2 events.
#1: Concert - Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 7:00 pm
#2: GSLC Haiti Forum - Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 10:30 am, directly after our Sunday morning service. This event is open to to anyone wishing to learn more about the school and general situation in Haiti
Donations accepted at the door for Ecolé Vocational Jean Despagne Félix Elementry School in Haiti.
Checks may be made out to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and "Haiti" printed on the memo mile.
Parking: Free, on premise. Handicap accessible.
Contact person for information: Joanne Ranney, 802-238-5686 or
Location: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Route 15 near the junction with Brown's Trace Road (across from Allegiance Trucks)
Hope to see you there!! THANK YOU!!
Mar 4, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
Ash WednesdayMar 5, 2025
English Country Dance with Live MusicMar 7, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM