Foresters Fighting Climate Change

Mar 21, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Your town probably has a town forest, and your Conservation Commission is worried about climate change. This means you're stuck with a tricky question: how can we make sure we have enough lumber and wood products without hurting the environment?

Your invited to a conversation about how we can both tackle the climate crisis and make the most of our forests.

Bethel University is offering a course at called Foresters Fighting Climate Change. You can find all the details in the attached flyer.

After a free meal, we'll get to know each other and share our ideas. We'll share a bit of a background about forestry and climate science. Then, we'll have a panel of experts in silviculture, forest management, and how climate change affects our forests. Finally, we'll explore ways we might manage our town forests while keeping climate science in mind.

Note that childcare will also be provided if that makes it easier for you and your family to attend.

Foresters Fighting Climate Change will take place, Friday, March 21 from 6:30-8:30 at the Bethel Town Hall. If you're coming, register for the event (and other Bethel University classes) at

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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