Preparing for Imbolc - Participatory Workshop

Past event
Feb 9, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM

Preparing for Imbolc: An introductory workshop at Cutler Memorial Library... Sunday, February 9th. 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Please join us to prepare for the full-Moon Imbolc on Tuesday evening.

Imbolc (pronounced "Ihm-oulk" in Irish) can be celebrated by the Gregorian solar year on February 2nd, or by the rural time marker of the 2nd full Moon after winter Solstice. By the latter timing, Imbolc falls on February 11-12 this year. Traditional Irish days begin at sundown. On the following Tuesday we'll also have a group observance in the evening for those who would like to join.

Whether you wish to celebrate this ancient Irish festival of transformation, warmth and regeneration on your own, with family, or in a community group, you are invited to join an informal talk about the key aspects of this annual Fire festival.

Imobolc is devoted to the living earth energy of Brighid... (not to be confused with the woman Brigid, who is revered in Ireland as an influential nun of the 5th century).

If you wish to make a gift of gratitude or intention to the spirit of Brighid (usually offered to running water or a spring) please bring along some bright-colored cloth, ribbon or cord, a walnut-sized stone, and something of deep worth to yourself. The more dear the gift, the more clear the intention.

Those interested in the rural roots and folklore surrounding Brighid/Brigid in SW Ireland, try to scout out a copy of "The Rites of Brigid: Goddess and Saint" by Fr. Seán Ó Duínn OSB PhD.

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Cutler Memorial Library, High Street, Plainfield, VT

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