The legal voters of the Town of Charlotte are hereby notified and warned to meet in-person at the Charlotte Central School Multi-Purpose Room, located at 408 Hinesburg Road in said Town, on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at nine O'Clock in the forenoon (9:00 A.M.) to act upon the articles set forth below not involving voting by Australian ballot (Articles 1 through 9), and to meet at the Charlotte Town Hall, located at 159 Ferry Road in said Town, on the Tuesday, March 4, 2025 to vote by Australian ballot to begin at seven O'Clock in the forenoon (7:00 A.M.) and to close at seven O'Clock in the afternoon (7:00 P.M.).
The legal voters of the Town of Charlotte are further notified and warned that a public informational hearing to explain and discuss the Australian ballot articles set forth below (Articles 10 and 11) will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025, at the Charlotte Town Hall, located at 159 Ferry Road in the Town, beginning at six O'Clock in the afternoon (6:00 P.M.).
The public may attend the informational hearing in person or on Zoom at the following information:
• Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87970429352?pwd=HRkaNgth5vMvUKHlgHEo8LXVwfTtwV.1
• Meeting ID: 879 7042 9352
• Meeting Passcode: 123456
Article 1: To hear the reports of the Town officers and to act upon the same.
Article 2: Shall the voters authorize the payment of property taxes, with the payment due on or before Friday, November 14, 2025, and to have payments made to the Town Treasurer, as provided in 32 VSA § 4773(b)?
Article 3: Shall the voters approve total fund expenditures, as set forth in the Selectboard's budget, of $4,265,990.00 for the fiscal year July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, of which an anticipated sum of $2,531,353 will be raised by taxes and an anticipated sum of $1,734,637.00 will be raised by non-tax revenues?
Article 4: Shall the voters approve raising a sum of $62,000 by property taxes, in addition to those monies raised pursuant to Article 3, to be allocated to the Charlotte Trails Fund?
Article 5: Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to use not more than $5,000 from the Charlotte Trails Fund for the purpose of maintaining Town recreational trails?
Article 6: Shall the voters approve raising a sum of $40,000 by property taxes, in addition to those monies raised pursuant to Article 3, to be allocated to the Recreation Capital Fund, for the purpose of developing a new bathhouse at the Charlotte Town Beach?
Article 7: Shall the Town of Charlotte adopt all budget articles by Australian Ballot, as provided in 17 V.S.A. § 2680(c).
Article 8: Shall the Town of Charlotte vote on all public questions by Australian Ballot, as provided in 17 V.S.A. § 2680(d).
Article 9: To transact any other business proper to come before said meeting.
Article 10: To elect Town Officials.
Article 11: Shall the voters authorize the Town to submit to the General Assembly of the State of Vermont a proposal to adopt a municipal charter which contains the following sections:
Section 1: Corporate Existence
Section 2: General Provisions
Section 3: Routine Adoption of Land Use Bylaws
Section 4: Separability
Section 5: Amendment
The official copy of the Charter proposal, in its entirety, is on file and available for public inspection at the Charlotte Town Clerk's Office, 159 Ferry Road in said Town, during regular office hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Copies thereof are available to members of the public upon request.
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