Feb. 6 NPA - Wards 5 & 6

Past event
Feb 6, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM

Please join us for another joint NPA meeting between Wards 5 & 6! We will be focusing on our upcoming Town Meeting Day.

We will meet at the DPW building on Pine Street (the usual Ward 5 location) on Thursday, February 6 (different from our usual time.)

Meeting Agenda:
6:30 - Community dinner
7:00 - Introductions, Public Forum
7:30 - Updates from City Councilors on ballot initiatives
7:45 - Updates from School Board representatives
8pm - City Council candidates Jen Monroe Zakaras & Buddy Singh will each introduce themselves, speak about why they are running, and hear questions from attendees
8:30 - DPW presentation on bond initiatives - Megan Moir
9:00 - Adjourn

Please come for any or all of the above, we hope to see you there!
Maria & the Ward 5 NPA Steering Committee

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645 Pine Street, Burlington, VT

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