Ward 6 NPA Meeting March 6 - Agenda

Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8:15 PM

Dear Neighbors, please note that we are back at the Department of Public Works, 645 Pine Street. This will be our location going forward. Of course you can always join us via Zoom:
https://zoom.us/j/81027856568 Zoom Webinar ID: 8102785 6568

6:30 Call to Order, Announcements, Public Forum
- Town Meeting Day Election Report, Greg Epler Wood (invited)

6:45 City Council Updates
- Joan Shannon, Becca Brown McKnight
- Follow up on ballot initiatives, other key updates/topics

7:00 Public Safety Issues – See Click Fix, Bill Ward
- How do various City departments use See Click Fix? And how can we, as residents, use it more effectively?

7:30 Champlain College, proposed zoning amendment to remove bed cap, Nic Anderson

8:00 NPA business - We need your input!
- Plans for upcoming meetings (April, May, June)
- Community Dinner next month!

8:15 Adjourn

What is the NPA?
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations that were established in each of Burlington's wards to encourage resident participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, Neighborhood Planning Assemblies help improve communication between the residents of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward.

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Department of Public Works, 645 Pine Street

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