Somatic Strength Online Class

Past event
Jan 24, 2025, 12 to 1 PM

Join Jessie Owens Fridays at noon beginning January 17, 2025 for this slow, beginner strength class focused on building physical stability and supporting common postural patterns, while using effort to build embodied awareness.

Suggested Equipment:
a set of dumbbells or kettle bells
a long loop resistance band
a short loop resistance band
small massage ball
a mat to practice on
a small blanket for extra padding under your knees
a yoga block

Note: If you have multiple sets of weights, it will be nice to have options. Choose weights that you can comfortably lift over your head, but also start to feel moderately challenging after several repetitions (no more than 15lbs).

If you don't have all of these items, don't worry! I'll offer a lot of options.

This class is not appropriate for those with acute injuries or severe movement limitations. Participants will need to be able to get down onto the floor.
If you can't make the time and would still like to attend, this class will be recorded and will be available for a month following.

Fridays noon-1pm
January 17-Febraury 28, 2025
No class on February 7
Online Drop-In

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