Join the Securities Division of the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation for this important presentation on how to spot and avoid scams. Thursday, January 16, 10:30 am at the Heineberg Community Senior Center - please call (802) 863-3982 to register for this free workshop.
Last year, the reported losses to scams in Vermont were more than nine ($9) million dollars! Seniors are particularly vulnerable to scams and suffer the most significant losses of any age group. Unfortunately, this often means losing a substantial portion of your retirement savings which can have devastating, life-altering impact.
This 30 - 45 minute presentation incorporates a Scam & Fraud BINGO game to help reinforce the lessons (and to have fun and win some prizes!).
Feb 17, 2025, 7 to 8:15 PM
NNE Craft GroupFeb 19, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
Speed Dating Singles Mixer - Open to All AgesFeb 19, 2025, 6:30 to 10 PM