Bells of Joy directed by Karen James will present a wonderful holiday concert that is sure to lift your heart and spirit at Wallingford Town Hall on Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. The concert will feature traditional Christmas music as well as selections inspired by the Lessons and Carols Service from Kings College, Cambridge in England arranged specially for this unique instrument comprised of 5 octaves of bronze handbells and 5 octaves of lovely hand chimes. Suggested donations of $10 to $15 per person at the door with all proceeds going as a fundraiser to Bells of Joy, less 10% to the Town of Wallingford. Elevator entrance is on the east side of the building off Taft Terrace. For more information, contact the Town Administrator at (802)446-2872. This concert is being presented as part of the Wallingford Town Hall Concert Series.
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