The Magnetica - A Sound Healing Concert

Past event
Nov 16, 2024, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Come and experience The Magnetica: a patented musical instrument invented for sound healing by composer Katherine Quittner (former Hollywood music editor and composer) - seating for 12 in zero gravity chairs, concerts are one hour and you are guaranteed to feel relaxed and less stressed. Downtown Burlington. Come and experience deep relaxation in a unique and charming space. Tickets at

The Magnetica is on vacation in December and returns January and February with extra days added so there will be concerts on Saturdays at 6:30 and (newly) Sundays at 3pm. Additionally, a 25% Price reduction of tickets will be in effect for these 2 months. Tickets are available at and are now $30.

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Downtown burlington above Stone Soup

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