Breathwork Journey

Mar 8, 2025, 2 to 5 PM

Hello Neighbors,

This is Maria Carvalho Sandoval of Fire Bird Healing. I am trained in Hawaiian Lomi healing modalities, CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, Sound Healing, etc & have a private practice in South Burlington. My colleague Benj Spound (Vermont Holistic Bodywork) & I have been given permission by our teacher Uncle Harry Uhane Jim, to share the 'Lomi Ha' breath practice.

We have facilitated Lomi breathwork journeys for the past 2.5 years in Vermont & have another one coming up next Saturday, March 8. Benj & I have created a ceremonial workshop with nourishing tea, guided drum meditation, hands on energy & bodywork during the breath practice, sound healing & snacks afterwards. We guide participants through their journeys with grounded support, respect, love, gentleness, acceptance & devotion.

This type of breathwork can be very effective with healing from trauma, releasing stuck emotions, clearing unsupportive patterns & overall physical / emotional / mental well-being. When we expand our lung capacity through deep breathing in this way, we also expand our ability to meet the demands of our lives with more patience, grace, clarity & joy. We must claim our joy in these intense times, let go of the heaviness of our worries & remember who we are - so we can show up in service to our families, communities & wider world. We can't hold it all, all the time. We can't give from an empty cup. And this personal work ripples out to the collective. Join us if you feel called, it's time to shed some layers & receive new inspiration, vitality & strength.

Lomi Ha Breathwork Journey
Saturday March 8, 2-5pm
SoulShine Power Yoga Downtown
100 Church St, 3rd floor (other workshops are held in accessible studios, let us know if you'd like to be on the email list for next time)
Investment: $100 - payment plans available if needed, just reach out.

Thanks for reading! Please spread the word & email me with any questions. I'm here.

With respect & gratitude,


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