Tinmouth Historical & Genealogical Society Annual Mtg

Oct 27, 2024, 12 PM

Tinmouth Genealogical & Historical Society
Annual Meeting – Sunday, October 27th
12 Noon - Potluck

Please join us in the Community Church basement at 12:00 Noon to enjoy a potluck lunch; to discuss THGS and how it can entice new members and create interest in Tinmouth's history; and to listen to Guest Speaker John Squier regal everyone with memories of growing up in Tinmouth in the 1950's, 60's, 70's and more.

There will be a display of old photos, maps, and artifacts acquired during the past year. There will be photos of all the houses in town in the late 1940's – early 1950's – taken by C.J. Wilbur – Stan's grandfather. Do you live in one? Is it still in use?

Please bring a dish to share. All are welcome!!

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