Fabric and Craft Supply Sale

Past event
Nov 30, 2014, 12 to 3 PM

November 30 from noon to 3 pm at offices of Career Networks 1372 Old Stage Rd WIlliston, VT (right up the street from Adams Apple Orchard)
I am clearing out a huge collection of fabric and related crafting supplies and want other people to enjoy and use them. After many years as a quilter, I have decided that I am ready to let go of my huge stash of fabric and other supplies.
What you will find at the sale:
1/2 yard to 10 yard pieces of cotton, wool, and some silk.
Yarn (mostly natural fibers) in all colors
remnants and scraps of fabric in grab bags
misc supplies and notions
and many other items yet to be discovered in my cleaning and sorting
lots of deals and bargains!

please let me know if you are planning to come.

Markey Read

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