I encourage everyone to attend the meeting Thursday night concerning preparations for handling future climate events. The plan for us to consider is called MAPLE (Montpelier Action Plan for Local Emergency); it researched our situation in July '23 and then interviewed City staff, representatives of volunteer organizations, businesses, and individual residents in order to come up with across the board recommendations going forward. Those interviewed have reviewed the plan: not it is time for US to weigh in.
It is important to take this seriously: not just to lessen the effects of climate events on our own properties, or to have procedures in place for volunteering, but to support an Emergency Management Director whose leadership could encourage landlords to make building adjustments, new businesses to fill empty spaces, and assure residents that effective preparations are in hand. Today's news of the Florida hurricane, and last week's of Ashville's torrential rainfall—and even the benchmarks of flooding here, on the Langdon Street bridge—show us that the severity of climate events could increase, are increasing.
The report is well researched and clear; you can read it here http://www.montpelierstrong.org/maple.
Come to the High School Thurs. at 6: 30 pm, or Zoom in (directions in the link). The report states, "Without buy-in from the City, its partners, and the community at-large, MAPLE will not be successful or implementable." (For one thing, any funding needed would be easier to get if support is across the board.)
Jan 24, 2025, 9 AM to 3 PM
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