Come Make an Apron and Sock Monkeys Are Coming!

Past event
Nov 20, 2014, 6 to 8 PM

Register now to come make an apron on Thursday, Nov 20th from 6-8 at the ONE Arts Center (72 North Champlain). Class is limited to the first 8 people who sign up!

Reserve tickets here: And an advance notice and call to start crafting: In mid January, we will be having a sock monkey and sock creations community art show! We want to fill the center with crazy sock monkeys made by the community! If you are looking for a crafting project in these cold months, start making sock monkeys and weird sock creatures! We will let everyone know more as the date approaches (and will have sock creations crafting nights!) Let's make sock monkeys, laugh, and have a good time together when its cold. Email us at

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