Ward 6 NPA Thursday, New Location and New Zoom!

Past event
Sep 12, 2024, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6:30 PM

Location: Champlain College, Joyce Learning Center, 387 Maple Street, Room 102
Joyce is a brick three-story building in the center of campus. The easiest access is into the Rozendaal Courtyard from Maple St and follow along the bricks until you get almost to the end.

6:30 Call to Order, Announcements, Public Forum
- Introductions of Steering Committee members, guests, and invitees
- Call for any public comments or announcements -- share your news, events, questions, concerns
- City Council Members are not available, but we will relay any input to them
- Bruce Wilson, Arts so Wonderful

6:45 Ward 6 Traffic and Safety Issues
- Phillip Peterson, DPW Senior Transportation Planner

7:15 Green Infrastructure, Stormwater and Water Quality Issues – Follow up from June
- Eleonore Walker, DPW Water Resources
- Proposal to investigate green infrastructure opportunities and projects in Ward 6

8:00 NPA Business
- Request for input about this year's schedule and meeting topics
- October Meeting Date (Rosh Hashanah)
- Combined meeting with Ward 8?
- Discussion of meeting location and cost

8:15 Adjourn

*If you can't attend in person, there are other options:
1. Join via Zoom (NOTE NEW LINK as of 9/11):
(Meeting ID: 924 3694 5103, No Password)

2. Call in for audio only: 1-929-205-6099 meeting ID:81027856568
3. Watch live online:

What is the NPA?
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations that were established in each of Burlington's eight Wards to encourage resident participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, Neighborhood Planning Assemblies help improve communication between the residents of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward.

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Event Info

Champlain College, Joyce Learning Center, 387 Maple Street, Room 102

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