Randolph Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Sep 3, 2024, 5:30 PM

There will be a meeting of the Randolph Selectboard on Thursday, September 03, 2024, at 5:30pm at the
Randolph Town Offices. Please note that this time is moved up from our regular time of the second Thursday of the month.

Video conference: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2271876830
Phone only: (929) 436-2866

Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Consent Calendar
a. Meeting Minutes – 7/22/2024 and 8/8/2024
b. Warrants
5. Business
a. Consider Setting FY25 Tax Rates
b. Consider Approving Public Assembly (Event Permits):
i. Black Meadow, et al – Block Party and Punk Rock Flea
ii. DuBois and King – Parking Day
c. Consider Setting FY26 Budget Goals and Priorities
d. Discussion – Needs Assessments and Building Planning
e. Discussion on Town Charter – Continuation
6. Manager's Report
7. Executive Session – Pursuant to 1 V.S.A § 313 (a) (1) (A) [contracts], 1 V.S.A § 313 (a) (1) (B)[collective bargaining], and 1 V.S.A § 313 (a) (3) [personnel]
8. Adjournment

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