Reminder that our next Household Hazardous Waste collection event is coming up this weekend in Bradford!
Residents of CVSWMD member towns* are invited to join us on Saturday, August 24th from 9am-1pm at the Bradford Town Garage to safely dispose of Household Hazardous Waste like chemical cleaners, old fuel, and pesticides. Look for warning words on product containers like Danger, Warning, Toxic, Hazard, Flammable, Poisonous, Reactive, or Corrosive. For more information about our events and what to bring, please visit or call us at 802-229-9383.
No containers larger than 5 gallons can be accepted at this collection; waste containers will not be returned. Keep all products in their original containers. All materials must be in trunk or bed of vehicle. Please leave pets at home.
Event Fees: $20 per vehicle, cash or check only (in-district residents* only). Businesses must register at least two weeks in advance for all HHW collections – if you missed this one, call 802-229-9383 x 105 to register for one of our upcoming events!
*This event is open to residents of CVSWMD member towns only: Barre City, Barre Town, Berlin, Bradford, Calais, Chelsea, Duxbury, East Montpelier, Fairlee, Hardwick, Middlesex, Montpelier, Orange, Plainfield, Tunbridge, Walden, Washington, Williamstown, and Woodbury.
Mar 4, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
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