June 15: Contra Dance with a Big Band!

Past event
Jun 15, 2024, 7:30 to 11 PM

This Saturday, June 15, the second of three contra dances this month happens at the Capital City Grange Hall. This one features an exceptional band: the Young Tradition Vermont Touring Group will bring about 20 talented young musicians, who have been rehearsing together since last October. Their mentors, Pascal Gemme and Veronique Plasse, both great Quebecois musicians, have been working on dance tunes with the group--it should be a great sound!

Calling the dance will be long-time favorite Steve Zakon-Anderson, who's been calling since the mid-1980s, and has been popular at dance series, festivals and dance weekends across the country.

Come by 7:30, if you'd like to take part in the intro/refresher lesson. Steve will teach some of the basics of contra dancing, and then we'll have contras from 8:00 to 11:00 PM, with a brief break midway through. Come with your friends, or come alone--there are lots of folks to partner with in this friendly social dance community. If you can walk in time to the music, you'll learn the rest quickly!

Admission: choose the price that matches you--$12 for regular adult-type people, $5 for kids or low-income people, or $20 if you want to help us pay the band, caller and sound really well! Part of the mission of the volunteer organizers is to pay the folks on the stage well for their talents and hard work.

Questions? Send an email to Tim: cdu.tim@gmail.com, or call him: 802-225-8921. Want to be on the email newsletter list for dance reminders? Go to: http://eepurl.com/dOBuVn and sign up!

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Capital City Grange, Vermont 12, Berlin, VT

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