Here's the agenda for Monday night's Selectboard meeting:
6:30 Review of the Warrants
7:00 Call to Order
7:01 Additions to or changes to the agenda
7:05 Public Comment
7:10 Agreement access for Berlin Pond-Vermont Fish and Wildlife-Mike Wichrowski
7:15 Ann Gilbert, Center Vermont New Directions Coalition-Presentation
7:30 Treasurers Report-Budget Status-Trial Balance-Balance Sheet-Sept. Bank Rec-Adjusting Entries
7:35 Town Server Backup-Anti Virus-Resolution-Carbonite
7:40 Highway Truck Extended Warranty Contract
7:45 Update/Review of Computer server and outstanding issues
7:50 Homestead Late Fees-Treasurer
8:00 Approval of Licenses, Permits, Vouchers and Applications
8:10 Permit to Dig in Right of Way - Central Vermont Medical Center
8:15 Review of Contractor Bids Received, Award for Water Project - Interim Financing
8:25 Town Administrator Report
8:30 Approval of Minute(s) of Previous Meetings - 9/22/14 & 10/06/14
8:35 Roundtable
8:45 Executive Session - Legal, Personnel, Contract (Executive Session Anticipated)
As always, call, text, or email with any questions!
Feb 2, 2025, 3 PM
Worcester Winter Cash Bingo! Sundays at Town HallFeb 2, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
Painting the Dandelion Resurrection: Film and FilmmakerFeb 5, 2025, 1:30 to 3 PM