Habitat for Humanity Restore Grand Opening June 7!

Past event
Jun 7, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM

Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity is excited to announce the Grand Opening on June 7th of a new ReStore in Waterbury at 149 South Main Street in the old Kinney Drug location next to the Subway. The Habitat ReStore is a home improvement store and resale center that sells donated furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Habitat for Humanity uses funds raised by its stores to help more Vermonters build, rehabilitate, and repair their homes.

The Habitat ReStore relies on the generous donations of new and gently used household items, building supplies, furniture, etc. to help Habitat create homeownership opportunities. Donation drop offs are by appointment only. To arrange a pickup of a larger donation, or to schedule a drop off please call Harold Blake at 802-522-7768

We only accept items we can sell and therefore need to reserve the right to deny any items that are not deemed sellable by our staff. If you have an item you'd like to donate but are unsure if we will accept it, please give us a call at 802-522-7768 or email us at harold@centralvermonthabitat.org.Our staff is happy to answer your questions!

Please see the donation guidelines below:

We Accept:

Building materials
Home décor

We Do Not Accept:
Items intended for use by children under the age of 12 (cribs, play pens, toy chests, etc.).
Items containing lead paint.
Recalled products.
Stolen products.
Cleaning chemicals (or unlabeled containers of liquid).
Corded window blinds.
Technology (laptops, desktops, jump drives).

Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity, powered by local volunteers, brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. If you would like to volunteer at the store please register though our online volunteer management platform, VolunteerUP, https://volunteerup.com/Login.asp?w=i&o=328

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149 South Main Street, Waterbury Village Historic District, VT

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