Entertaining Angels, the Dorothy Day Story: a Film

Past event
May 9, 2024, 6 to 8 PM

Join us for an informational gathering at Saint Michael's Episcopal Church.

Enjoy a simple meal amongst friends and join us for the inspiring movie. The event will introduce the idea of establishing skyberry: a Brattleboro House of Hospitality.

The mission of skyberry is to create a transitional home where unhoused children and families feel supported and can grow and move forward in their lives.

A House of Hospitality is a house where hosts live alongside their guests, responding to the needs of the world in their own way, based on local needs and guided by the interests, talents and faithfulness of its hosts. skyberry invites us to live and work in a different way with the unhoused in our community as an expression of hope, living authentically, with integrity and through a life that really means something.

contact housesskyberry@gmail.com

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St Michael's Episcopal Church, 16 Bradley Avenue, Brattleboro, VT., downstairs in the undercroft.

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