Ward 6 NPA Meeting Agenda
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Location: 391 Maple Street, Room 206, in the SD Ireland Family Center at Champlain College*
6:30 Call to Order, Announcements, Public Forum
- Introductions of Steering Committee members, guests, and invitees
- Call for any public comments or announcements
- Share your news, your events, your questions, and your concerns
6:45 City Council Connection – hear from Becca Brown McKnight and Joan Shannon about what's going on with City Council and share your opinions and concerns
7:00 Burlington Water Resources -- water service line inventory, Emily Piersiak, and Eleanor Walker
7:15 Megan Epler Wood and Diane Gayer, Green Infrastructure solutions for Burlington and the health of Lake Champlain
7:30 James Patrick Dufour, Development of 253 South Union Street
7:45 Bruce Wilson - Present on graffiti removal project
8:00 NPA Business (Votes)
- Ward 6 NPA Budget Allocation
- Support a Ward 6 community-building event in the spring or summer of 2024. We're looking for ideas for locations and activities.
- Proposal to reschedule June Ward 6 NPA Meeting for Saturday, June 8 to be held as part of the community-building event.
- Proposal to approve using NPA funds for refreshments and related expenses (ice cream truck, mobile pizza oven, or the like).
8:15 Adjourn
*If you can't attend in person, there are other options:
1. Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81027856568
(Meeting ID: 810 2785 6568, No Password)
2. Call in for audio only: 1-929-205-6099 meeting ID:81027856568
3. Watch live online:
Don't forget to register for our newsletter! https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO/Neighborhood-Services/NPAs/Ward-6-NPA
What is the NPA?
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations that were established in each of Burlington's eight Wards to encourage resident participation in City government.
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