Vermont Secretary of State Sarah Copeland Hanzas and League of Women Voters of Vermont will co-host a two-part series of virtual forums to discuss Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). As interest has grown in RCV, in the state legislature and among municipalities, interest groups and voters, the Secretary and the League hope these discussions will inform the debate and raise the profile of this system of voting.
The first forum, "Ranked Choice Voting Overview," is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st, from 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom. Ryan Kirby of the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center ( will cover key concepts and present a simulation for participants to engage in to better understand what RCV is and how it works.
The second forum, "Ranked Choice Voting in Vermont: Impact, Considerations & Opportunities," will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, from 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom. This session will dive into the details of administering RCV elections in Vermont, featuring Burlington Assistant City Clerk Sarah Montgomery and Brattleboro Town Clerk Hillary Francis.
Please register here for the May1st forum:
and here for the May 8th forum:
Questions for the panelists about RCV can be submitted in advance to
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