Shelburne Social Services Committee Meeting Aug. 28

Past event
Aug 28, 2013, 7 PM

The Town of Shelburne Social Services will meet at 7 p.m. on Wed., 8/28 at the Town Offices Meeting Room.
1. Call to Order
2. Consider Approval of Agenda.*
3. Citizen Participation (Opportunity for public comment on any Committee
Business that is not included on this agenda)
4. Old Business
A. Consider approval of the document, Role of the Social Services Committee.*
B. Create an agenda for a Fall Summit in September (public meeting)*
C. Discussion of needs assessment
5. New business
A. Discussion of the report received from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns regarding the provision of social
B. Other business
6. Adjourn (8:30 p.m. adjourn)

* Decision Item
* Times allotted to each agenda item are approximate and may vary depending on the discussion.

Reasonable accommodations shall be provided upon request to ensure that this meeting is accessible to all individuals regardless of disability.

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