Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting

Past event
Mar 7, 2024, 6 PM

City of Barre Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting

The City of Barre officials are completing the process to identify and plan for natural hazards that put the community's investments at risk. As part of the process the City would like to collect your input. Barre City's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan will identify risks to the City and then create mitigation actions to lower the overall risk to the community. Hazard mitigation means making long-term investments to protect people, property, infrastructure, natural resources and the economy from harsh weather and other natural disaster events.

A public meeting to discuss hazard risks and mitigation actions to lower the overall risk of natural disasters to the town will be held on March 7, 2024 at Alumni Hall at 6:00pm. You can also complete an online survey to make sure that your voice is being heard. The survey link is https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mmkyrJSYzng5qT4dQbj36rGTKZ9YSWd3jm7OLhOmsQ4/viewform?edit_r[...]rue

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