Essex Selectboard Meeting & Public Hearings

Past event
Jan 29, 2024, 6:30 PM

The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting the evening of Monday, January 29. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held in person and online using Zoom. Full agendas and packets are available at

Public hearing on Fiscal Year 2025 Municipal Budget

Public hearing on Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Budget and Five-Year Plan

a. * Interviews and potential appointments of volunteers to serve on the Energy Committee: Geetha Ganesan, Mukesh Kumar
b. Presentation from Green Mountain Transit about fiscal year 2025 budget proposal
c. Presentation of fiscal year 2023 financial audit
d. Discussion and potential action on voter-backed petitions for Town Meeting ballot to include commercial tax stabilization agreements and staff salaries and benefits in annual report
e. Discussion about community gardens at 80 & 90 Upper Main St.
f. Discussion and potential action about Town Meeting ballot question regarding winter sidewalk maintenance
g. Consider approval of fiscal year 2025 municipal budget
h. Consider approval of fiscal year 2025 capital budget and five-year plan
i. Consider approval of warnings for the 2024 Town Meeting and Informational Hearing
j. Discussion and potential action regarding whether to approve the mailing of ballots to all active voters for Town Meeting 2024
k. Consider advertising for two open seats on Charter Review Committee
l. Discussion about funding of capital needs
m. Discussion about local option tax
n. Discussion and potential action about Town Meeting outreach for Selectboard members
o. **Discussion of pending or probable litigation
Consider approval of consent items: Approve minutes; Approve check warrants; Consider approval of 2024 Acceptance of Town Highways; Consider approval of Tri Town Agreement, Amendment #5; Consider approval of Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application for the Center Road Forcemain Replacement Project; Consider approval of Selectboard Chair to sign petition to the Director of Property Valuation and Review to redetermine the 2023 Equalization Study Results

*All or part of these items may be held in executive session.

You may also join by calling 1 (888) 788-0099 toll free
Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140
Passcode: 032060

For more information please contact Deputy Manager Marguerite Ladd at 878-1341 or

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