Whetstone Watershed Webinar

Past event
Jan 31, 2024, 6 to 7 PM

Join the Southeast Vermont Cooperative Invasive Species Management Association (CISMA) on January 31st from 6 - 7pm to hear their report on monitoring invasive plants along the Whetstone Brook. The CISMA worked with the community to map invasive species in iNaturalist. At the webinar, we will share the results of this project and hear feedback from you!

How can we reach more areas in the watershed? What invasive plants are missing? Let us know!

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/report-on-the-whetstone-watershed-tickets-781027864367?aff=oddt[...]tor

Questions? Email: sullivan.wcnrcd@gmail.com or call: 802-689-3024

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