SB Meeting - Monday, Dec. 11

Past event
Dec 11, 2023, 6 to 9 PM

6:00 Public Informational Hearing
Jeff Kantor and Marc Mihaly will explain the objectives and final results of implementing the Community Development Grant the Town received for the purpose of rehabilitating the East Calais General Store.

6:15 Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
- Approve Minutes of November 27, 2023 and December 4, 2023
- Move and Vote to Approve Board Orders; Sign Board Orders
- Reminder: Washington County Budget Planning meeting, December 15, 10am, K-H library

6:20 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak.

6:35 Mt. Tamers Snowmobile Club Annual Request
Snowmobilers must receive annual permission to cross certain plowed Town roads during the winter. Possible Action: Authorize the Mt. Tamers Snowmobile Club to cross certain Town roads on their snowmobiles during the 2023-2024 winter season.

6:40 Obligate Remainder of Available ARPA funds for the Curtis Pond Dam project
Possible Action: Vote on the following motion:
• I move to obligate the Town of Calais' remaining ARPA funds in the amount of $69,886.38 to the Curtis Pond Dam Reconstruction Project, and authorize the Town Treasurer to transfer these funds from the ARPA Fund (Fund 99) to the Curtis Pond Dam Reserve Fund (Fund 32) for this purpose before the close of the calendar year.

6:45 Authorize WCUUSD to Mail its 2024 Ballots to Calais Voters
Possible Action: Vote on the following motion:
• I move that the Town of Calais shall allow the Washington Central Unified Union School District to distribute ballots for the WCUUSD Annual Meeting via USPS mail to all active - not challenged registered voters on our Town checklist.

6:50 Authorize Town Clerk to Mail 2024 Town Meeting Ballots
Possible Action: Vote on the following motion:
• I move to authorize the Calais Town Clerk, Teegan Dykeman-Brown, to arrange for the mailing of 2024 Town Meeting Ballots via USPS mail to all active - not challenged registered voters on our Town checklist.

6:55 Review and Comment on Draft of Selectboard Report for the 2023 Town Report

7:05 Interlocal Agreement Among Calais, East Montpelier and East Montpelier Fire Department
The Calais Selectboard will be meeting with the EM Selectboard and EMFD on Thursday, Dec. 14 to renew the Agreement. We will discuss whether to agree to the document with or without changes. Possible Action: Vote to sign the Interlocal Agreement.

7:10 Vermont Childcare Payroll Tax
Consider how to handle contribution to the new payroll tax effective July 1, 2024.
Possible Action: Vote to determine the Town's share of new payroll tax.

7:20 Reconsider ARPA Allocations to Traffic Calming Design and Invasive Species Studies
Review the value of these studies and consider whether to reallocate funds for the purchase of a boom mower. Possible Action: Vote to reallocate ARPA funds from one or both studies towards purchase of a boom mower.

7:35 Review Documents for the Purchase of a Boom Mower
Possible Actions: Vote to purchase a boom mower, make a downpayment from FY'24 funds, and sign a document taking out a loan for payment of the balance

7:45 Continue Review and Mark-up of FY'25 Budget
Possible Action: Vote to finalize and publish the budget

8:30 Authorize Town Administrator to Review and Approve Invoices in Second Half of December
Since there will not be a December 25, 2023 Selectboard meeting, the SB will need a provision to pay bills that would typically be approved at its second meeting of December.
Possible Action: Vote to authorize the Town Administrator to approve release of checks on warrants produced after December 11 and before December 31, 2023, to then be reviewed and approved by the Selectboard at its January 8, 2024 meeting.

8:35 Reports
- Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby
o Possible Action: Vote to sign letter of support for VOREC grant
o Possible Action: Authorize Jamie to review the Curtis Pond Dam Bond Application
- IT: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
- Town Clerk Report: Teegan Dykeman-Brown
o Presentation of first draft of Town Meeting Warning
o Status of Personnel Policy revisions
- Town Administrator Report: Kari Bradley

9:00 Adjournment

Possible executive session under 1 VSA Section 313 (a)1 (E) Pending or probable civil litigation to which the public body is a party.

Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

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Closed Captioning on Zoom will be available for those who wish to use it.

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