We've got another great caller for Saturday's dance: Lisa Greenleaf, from the Boston area. And a great band: River Road, from Western Mass. Come to dance, as usual, at the Capital City Grange Hall, 6612 VT-12, Berlin VT 05602, just one mile south of Montpelier, from 8-11 PM, with an instruction/refresher session starting about 7:40, with dancing from 8:00 to 11:00. Lisa, who's known for her clear teaching, will lead the instruction session.
We always love to have new folks join us! If you haven't been to a contra dance, you can find lots of videos of dances in our series if you search: "contra dance videos Montpelier" There's also more info about the dances on the Grange website: https://capitalcitygrange.org/dancing/contradancing/.
Dance admission prices: $12 for adults, $5 for kids & low-income folks, or be a "dance supporter" and give us $20, to help us pay the wonderful callers, musicians and sound techs for the great work they do. Choose what price matches your resources. We're happy to have everyone who comes, whatever you pay!
Everyone is welcome to join the Grange community potluck before the dance, starting at 6:00 PM. You're going to eat dinner anyway, why not join a bunch of friendly folks at the Grange Hall. Bring something to share, plain or fancy!
Questions? click "Email Author" below, or call Tim: 802-225-8921. Want to be on the email newsletter list for dance reminders? Go to: https://facebook.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=7f7b2a9afbd963e90d9d9b5c4&id=f0138a92b9 and sign up!
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