Women Investing for Change: Feminist-ing Our Finances

Past event
Dec 4, 2023, 7:30 to 9 PM

Financiers and investors have traditionally been male and remain so when guarding the assets of the largest global investors on Wall Street. If you or your state or your company are growing pensions, it's likely you're investing in global fossil fuels and the military industrial complex without knowing it.

A growing number of women are instead learning how to actively invest their values. Learn how they're growing the livelihoods of local communities, women and BIPOC entrepreneurs, and companies that care about the environment, fair and inclusive governance, and sustainability.

Our Zoom of Our Own panel we'll be joined by:

Janine Firpo, author of Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World and co-founder of the educational nonprofit, Invest for Better; Women Lead the Way;

Vanessa Lowe, an economic development professional who has a passion for equipping low-and moderate-income people with the tools to manage their money and build their wealth. host of Vanessa's Money Hour on G-Town Radio in Philadelphia.

Gwen Pokalo Hart, an entrepreneur with New England's Center for Women and Enterprise and on the board of Vermont Community Loan Fund.

Rickey Gard Diamond—author of Screwnomics: How Our Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change and founder of AEOO—will facilitate the conversation.

Don't miss it! RSVP for access to our curriculum for further learning and the chance to ask questions in advance of our panelists. Get your FREE ticket at our Eventbrite page. see link


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