Monday, October 23 at Noon - First Congregational Church of Berlin (1808 Scott Hill Road).
Alan Rubel will be our guest speaker this month talking on his new book "The Greatest Burden, The Greatest Blessing". This book contains caregiving stories of hope, humility and love. Mark Resnick and Michael Tenaglia also contributed to the many, many caregiving stories included in the book. Of the many stories included, I know we can all relate to a number of issues. I cried, I laughed and I know I'll remember a number of the stories.
If you have questions on the event, you can call me (Carole) at 229-9504.
Mar 6, 2025, 9:30 to 10:30 AM
Community Jam at the Montpelier Senior Activities CtrMar 6, 2025, 6:15 to 8 PM
Stand Up for Science Rally - March 7 in BurlingtonMar 7, 2025