German Convo Group Returns to Kellogg-Hubbard

Past event
Nov 20, 2023, 12 to 1 PM

The German conversation group is returning to its original home at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier this Monday, October 16. We meet noon to 1 pm in the Hayes Room. Congrats to the KHL for getting everything in place for re-opening, and thanks to the kind folks at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre who gave us a temporary home.

We chat about this and that--whatever topics people choose to bring, or which come up--and we're currently reading the classic children's book (which is surprisingly enjoyable for adults), Emil und die Detektive, a chapter each week. We're reading Chapter 9 for this week. The text is available at

All levels of German are welcome; we try to include people in the conversation at whatever level they're capable of. We do try to keep to German pretty much the entire hour, except for five minutes at the end in English. Newcomers to the group are welcome!

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Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Main Street, Montpelier, VT

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