Workshop: Our Piece of the Pie, September 4

Past event
Sep 4, 2014

Come join a 6 PM workshop, on Thursday September 4, at the Maple Corner Community Center, enjoy some pizza, and learn how our piece of the pie is bigger than we thought.

What pie?

Many of us live near dirt driveways and roads that can adversely impact water quality in ponds and streams, as well as the larger watershed.

Our little piece of the pie—the local pond, lake, or stream that gives us so much beauty and pleasure—is, therefore, bigger than we thought.

Thursday’s workshop provides tips on how to protect water resources and save money by reducing runoff and erosion from our driveways or private roads. Included are four case studies from Calais, near Curtis Pond. To learn more about your property, bring photos so the experts can give you suggestions. DON’T WORRY ABOUT FANCY OR EXPENSIVE PROCEDURES. The owners of property in the case study got advice involving shovels not tractors, bushes not bulldozers, and muscle power not money power.

While not required, an RSVP to or 882-8276 is greatly appreciated. Please spread the word!

This program is brought to you by The Calais Lakes and Streams Committee and Friends of the Winooski and is funded by the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

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