Burlington's Progressive Town Caucus Sept. 28

Past event
Sep 28, 2023, 5:30 to 8 PM

Dear neighbors -

It is once again time for Progressive Party members and supporters to (re)organize at the town, county, and state level. This is a legal requirement for us to remain a major political party in Vermont. It's also our opportunity to engage Progressives across the state, identify and elect new leaders, and grow our movement's capacity to organize around the issues we care about.

To be successful, we will need hundreds of people to participate in their local town caucuses, county committee meetings, and the State Convention on November 12th. To learn more about the reorganization process, visit the Progressive Party website: http://www.progressiveparty.org/organize

Here's the details for Burlington's Progressive Town Caucus:

When: Thursday, September 28th, 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: O.N.E. Community Center, 20 Allen St, Burlington
Food: Potluck; bring a dish to share
RSVP: fill out form at this link: http://bit.ly/Burl_Prog_Re-Org_Caucus

At the meeting, we'll learn about why having a strong, independent non-traditional party in Vermont is important, what our local steering committee does, elect our steering committee members, hold a training on door-to-door canvassing in preparation for March elections, and hear from elected Progressives!

With excitement & appreciation,
Larry Lewack, BTV Progressive Steering Committee

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Event Info

O.N.E. Community Center, Allen Street, Burlington, VT

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