Selectboard Meeting Sept. 11

Past event
Sep 11, 2023, 6:30 to 9 PM

The meeting packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following items:

6:30 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:31 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:35 PM - Budget update and discussion of budgeting process
6:45 PM - Library HVAC maintenance contract
7:00 PM - Public comment
7:05 PM - Appointment of Fran Stoddard to the Thompson's Point Wastewater Advisory Committee for a three-year term ending on April 30, 2026 (the Selectboard will be acting as the Board of Sewage System Commissioners under the Thompson's Point Wastewater Disposal System Ordinance)
7:15 PM - Waitsfield & Champlain Valley Telecom—petition to bore and bury fiber within town highway rights-of-way, and also use existing poles, in various locations to provide "Fiber to the Home" service throughout the Town
7:25 PM - Upgrade to three-phase power on Root Road and Route 7 to serve Town Garage, Town Shed, and adjacent properties
7:30 PM - Barb Russ and Dean Williams—reconsideration of settlement of appeal [In Re: 280 North Shore Road; CU Denial; Environmental Division Case No. 23-ENV-00032].
8:00 PM - Noise Ordinance – possible executive session as per 24 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(E)
8:20 PM - Town Garage Update
8:30 PM - Personnel [possible executive session as per 24 V.S.A. §313(a)(3)]
8:40 PM - Minutes: August 28, 2023
8:50 PM - Selectboard updates
9:00 PM - Adjournment

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Charlotte Town Hall, Ferry Road, Charlotte, VT

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