Charlotte Government 101

Past event
Feb 4, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM

Take Some of the Mystery Out of Local Government
Local Charlotte Government 101
Tuesday February 4, 6:30-8pm
Library Community Room and Online (

What is Charlotte Town Government and how does it work? How can individuals get involved? Town meeting day and local elections are just around the corner - here's your chance to understand how it all works! Join fellow Charotters for an overview of how government is structured here in Charlotte and how to participate. We'll cover everything from where to go to get your dog license to how to propose a change to the budget at Town Meeting.

Presented by the Charlotte Grange with Town Administrator Nathaniel Bareham and Town Moderator Charles Russel in collaboration with the Charlotte Library.

Zoom link for the event:
Everyone's welcome! This is just one of the many events run by the Charlotte Grange, based at 2858 Spear Street. For more information about the Charlotte Grange and to view a full calendar of interesting events, we hope you'll check out our website:

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