Habitat Restore Grand Opening!

Past event
Sep 6, 2023, 11 AM to 4 PM

The Habitat store named "Shires ReSale Store" has been given a major facelift. From almost every wall being removed for an open concept, to new carpeting and flooring, of course fresh paint everywhere, and an all-abilities accessible checkout counter, the store is basically a whole new business!

But that's not all we changed... Our new email address is now ReStore@BenningtonCountyHabitat.org should you wish to schedule a donation pickup. And to save the best for last, we have expanded our hours to be open FOUR DAYS a week! Wednesday-Friday 11-4, and Saturday 10-4.

Please join us for our ReStore Grand (Re)Opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, September 6th at 11am.

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