Andrews Community Forest Committee

Past event
Aug 28, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 28, 2023 - 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Location: Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf. Room A, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street

Meeting will be held in person but may also be joined online or by phone

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 0932 2152
Passcode: 399802

Join by phone: dial 1 929 205 6099 (NY)
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6:00 pm Start recording Zoom. Welcome, Roll call, confirm quorum, appoint Minute-taker and Timer for this meeting
6:05 pm Additions/Changes to Agenda; and reminder on provisions for comments etc. from public in attendance. (Public in person please identify themselves).
6:10 pm July 31, 2023 minutes. Discussion to identify ACFC Chairperson(s) and vote to forward to Selectboard. (10 minutes)
6:20 pm Report on Aug 14 special Selectboard meeting with ACFC.meeting (Minutes and recording available at SB page at Town website).
Actions emerging from joint SB/ACFC meeting on August 14th. (5 min)
• Recruitment process aligned with both ACFC by-laws and town practices
• Keeping lines of communication open between ACFC and SB
• Review and possible revision of by-laws to be considered in the future, perhaps with CMP revision
• Assistance by Richmond town professionals, e.g. Planner Keith Oborne
• Resources to hire additional assistance on a one-time basis
Public Comment: (5 min)
6:30 pm Recruiting new members: Review procedure (in packet) to review applicants and act on TC and RCC recommendations at September meeting. (10 min)
Public Comment: (5 min)
6:45 pm Filling other voids left by ACFC member resignations.
Identify responsibilities that need new assignments: e.g. Trail Stewardship Committee, Liaison to Velco, Communications, Land Acknowledgement/ Indigenous rights and engagement (10 min)
Public Comment: (5 min)
7:00 pm Subcommittees' reports (In packet):
A. Trail Stewardship Plan (Chase R.)
• Updates on progress by subcommittee (2 min)
• Discussion of unresolved topics by full ACFC (8 min)
• Public comment (5 min)
B. Comprehensive Management Plan (Melissa W.)
• Updates on progress and identification of key issues by subcommittee (10 min)
• Discussion & initial feedback with ACFC (10 min) (Note: This is not an in-depth review of this early draft but rather an opportunity for clarification and input to the process.)
• Planning for review of draft by full ACFC (5 min)
• Public comment (5 min)
7:45 pm Discussion of timeframe and process for public review & comment on both subcommittee reports and finalization prior to incorporation in revised CMP (10 min)
• Assistance in adding revisions to MP prior to review by TC, RCC and VLT
• Assistance from town planner Keith Oborne
• Additional mapping needs?
• Public Comment: (5 minutes)
Confirm Next meeting: standardize to 4th Monday at 6pm as indicated on town website – so September 28th.
8:00 pm Adjourn

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203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT

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