Local Author Workshop: Caren Simpson Mcvicker

Past event
Aug 29, 2023, 5:30 to 7 PM

Please join local author Caren Simpson McVicker for the Novel Ideas Workshop. Caren Simpson McVicker lives in Dorset. Her debut novel, Henderson House, won Inkshares 2020 All Genre Contest and publishes August 1, 2023. Take a deep dive into the novel writing and publishing process with Caren. She will discuss:

Her favorite books about writing, the differences between being a plotter, pantser, or plantser, strategies for starting and finishing your first draft, approaches to editing, and more!

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Hopefully, you'll walk away with new enthusiasm for your own writing project or at least a better understanding of the effort that goes into the latest book you're reading.

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Manchester Community Library, Cemetery Avenue, Manchester Center, VT

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