Sorry for the lateness of this posting - I'm including both my notes from the last meeting and Monday's agenda:
1) Bike lane study
The Barre-Montpelier Road bike lane/pedestrian study has produced some interesting results, and in particular is looking at slimming down the portion with 4 lanes to be 2 lanes with a bike lane on either side. Here's the draft "alternatives" document:
If you're interested in being kept in the loop about the ongoing study, please contact Bob Wernecke (
2) New store at Berlin Mall?
It looks like there might be a Kohl's near Berlin Mall in the next few years. Thoughts?
3) Vacancies
I know you're tired of hearing about these, but it's really important that we get at least one more person on the Sewer (and soon to be Water) Commission. You'd play a crucial part in the functioning of this valuable service, and it's not a huge time commitment. Please consider taking the role of Commissioner!
(And we also have vacancies on the Emergency Management Team, Planning Commission, and Cemetery Commission!)
And here's the Aug. 18th Agenda:
6:30 Review of the Warrants
7:00 Call to Order
7:01 Changes to Agenda
7:03 Public Comment
7:10 Treasurers Report (Isabelle)
7:20 Approval of Licenses, Permits, Vouchers and Applications
7:25 Setting FY15 Tax Rate (Isabelle)
7:30 Equipment Financing Bids (Isabelle)
7:35 Vermont Municipal Bond Bank Refunding (Isabelle)
7:40 Reservation of Funds Record Restoration
7:45 Zoning Application Fees (Badowski)
7:50 Health Officer (Badowski)
7:55 Sewer and Cemetery Commission Vacancies (Badowski)
8:05 Ratification of Unauthorized Wood Chipper Purchase (Badowski)
8:10 Street Name Change – Green Mountain Drive Public Hearing 8/18/14 (Badowski)
8:15 20 Muzzy Road FEMA Buyout (Badowski)
8:20 Hazard Mitigation Grant Slayton Avenue (Badowski)
8:30 Animal Control Officer (Badowski)
8:40 Water Supply Project (Badowski)
8:55 Planning Commission Appointment – Geoff Farrell
9:00 Acting Town Administrator Report (Badowski)
9:10 Approval of Minute(s) of Previous Meetings 7/21/14 and 8/4/14
9:15 Roundtable
9:30 Legal, Personnel, Contract (Executive Session Anticipated)
Mar 4, 2025, 5 PM
Downstreet Housing and Community DevelopmentMar 5, 2025, 1:30 to 3 PM
Bone Builders ClassMar 10, 2025, 9 to 10 AM