Your Craftsbury Historical Society will be having its monthly meeting this coming Wednesday, August 20, at 7 pm in the Library on the Common. We've gone ahead and digitized a good number of historical photos from our collection, and we'll be projecting them for all to see, to comment upon, and to wonder at. (Sorry about the final preposition!) By the way, if anyone out there in FrontPorch Land has photos in a drawer that might be of historical interest to the Society, we'd be happy to digitize them, and return them safely to you. Hope to see you at the Library next Wednesday!
Next month's meeting will showcase the early 20th century clothing collection that we inherited from the Simpson estate. Mark your calendars now: always the third Wednesday of the month, at 7 pm. If you have an interest in vintage clothing, and would like to help organize the session, please contact me, Don Houghton.
Mar 7, 2025, 6 PM
Stained Glass WorkshopMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Homesteaders' Meet-UpMar 12, 2025, 6 PM