Why Are EVs Important?

Past event
Jul 15, 2023, 10 AM to 3 PM

It comes down to efficiency. Gasoline powered cars and light trucks deliver only 15 to 25% of the energy they burn to making the vehicle move. The rest is lost as waste heat, drive train friction, and the pumps, motors and generators the car needs to run. Diesel engines do better but still waste more than half of the energy they consume.

Electric motors convert more than 90% of the battery's power to moving the vehicle.

A decade ago it looked like the only way to rein in transportation energy would be to rely on mass transit, car pooling and other low energy transportation alternatives. The efficiency of electric vehicles will make it possible to keep our convenient and flexible transportation system and still meet the goals of the Comprehensive Energy Plan.

Come discuss these and other issues at EV EXPO. We will be open from 10 to 3 on Wallingford Day. Saturday July 15. The Expo will be held in the driveway and parking lot of Baasch Dental, 42 North Main Street in Wallingford.

Hope to see you there.

John Armstrong
North End Drive

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